
[Image description:

There are three images are at the top of the page. The first and largest image on the left shows hands typing on a laptop. The upper right picture shows a person who is wearing a blue jacket signing. The bottom right picture shows a person signing as they wear a red sweater.

Below that is the orange DSDJ logo. Next to that, in green writing, it says “Deaf Studies Digital Journal We are currently looking for volunteers to create transcripts for older articles! Interested Contact Teresa Wenderski at

At the bottom against a green background are the Gallaudet University and National Endowments for the Humanities logos.]

Deaf Studies Digital Journal (DSDJ) is looking for volunteers to help with transcribing our videos. We are migrating DSDJ’s previous issues onto our new platform, we want to make all our videos are accessible; one important step is to include a transcript. Because we have so many videos, we need motivated and enthusiastic volunteers to transcribe one (or more!) video. We will be accepting volunteers until the end of April, so send us an email and we can get you started! 

To ensure quality work, we will request a brief sample of your work and provide a format to use. If you are interested and for more information, please contact Tess Wenderski ( for more information.

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Deaf Studies Digital Journal

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